Vote to Renew ZAP on November 5, 2024


ZAP Needs Your Support this Year!

Renewing ZAP makes a difference in our community by supporting 232 arts, cultural, and zoological organizations, as well as 22 rec centers, 70 parks, and hundreds of miles of trails.
How do you help renew the Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) program? It’s easy! 

Why ZAP?

ZAP is a three-time voter approved sales tax. The mission of the Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Program is to enhance Salt Lake County residents’ and visitors’ experience through art, cultural and recreational offerings.
ZAP supports Salt Lake County communities with:
26,000 annual volunteers 4 million free admissions each year 8,000 jobs each year $357 million invested since 1997 233 arts and cultural nonprofits Hundreds of miles of trails 70 parks 22 rec centers

The ZAP Timeline

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After placed on the ballot by the County Council, the renewal vote will be on November 5th, 2024.

ZAP was first voted on and passed by Salt Lake County residents in 1996, awarding its first grants in 1997.

Every 10 years, ZAP is placed on the ballot for Salt Lake County residents to vote for the program’s renewal.

The supporting votes continue to be strong due to the successful reach and impact on parks & nonprofit arts & culture groups.

Voter approval was 71% in 2004 and 77% in 2014.

633709 bank coin deposit investment money icon 1For every purchase in Salt Lake County that includes sales tax, one (1) penny of every $10 spent (1/10 of 1%) goes to providing grants to qualified programs.

ZAP is You

Renewing ZAP makes a difference in our community by supporting 232 arts, cultural, and zoological organizations, as well as 22 rec centers, 70 parks, and hundreds of miles of trails.